About Lacye

Lacye A. Brown is an avid art aficionado who is fond of amalgamating spiritualism and ingenuity to create exceptional works of art. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, visual art has always intrigued her greatest interest, and this love for creativity inspired her to become a professional visual artist. Lacye didn’t take long to apprehend her passion for visual art and quit college to pursue a professional career as an artist. After initially focusing on contemporary arts, she switched to miniature sculpting as the experience of creation brought her remarkable spiritual delight. Afterward, Lacye joined the business school, and this is the place where AppleHead Toys came into existence in the year 2010. She extracted inspirations from countless online videos to master unique techniques of sculpting and formulated AppleHead Toys to sell her miniature sculptures.

The next phase of Lacye A. Brown's life brought great miseries and despairs, as she went through a horrible divorce and had to raise her three children on her own. Nevertheless, she did succeed in discovering her true spiritual awakening amidst anguishes & desolations. This inspired her to change her life for better and explore the zeniths of spirituality. Clenching on to the rope of progression, Lacye promised herself never to settle for mediocrity ever again.

In this phase of life, Lacye had to do multiple jobs a day to make the ends meet. She initially worked in the front office at a prominent tattoo parlor in Atlanta before switching to a multi-billion dollar corporation. This is where she became a certified travel agent, and she spent the next two years of her life traveling the world. During this, Lacye did also become more conscious of her spiritual self and devoted her time to learn the art of spirituality. She went on to become a certified Munay-Ki Rites and acquired expertise in Ayahuasca, Reiki Master, Tarot, Hoodoo, Distant Healing, and many other forms of spiritual teaching.   

In these two years, Lacye was able to relish the beauty of the world and built a stronger connection with her spirituality. Despite this, she felt incomplete as the absence of art left a massive void. This enthused her to quit her corporate job and make a living by following her artistic dreams. In addition to this, Lacye also went on to establish a spirituality-based company LAB Shaman. This is where she integrated her passion for spirituality and love for visual arts to create Dr. Apples. This special character came into the limelight at a Halloween Art Show and the high acclamations encouraged her to create a compelling backstory for her creative character.

This led to the creation of the magnificent world of Dr. Apples whose every element is driven by Lacye’s A. Brown personal inspirations and life experiences. This is the universe where she integrates her spirituality, emotions, and life to create something truly exceptional. Besides this, Lacye devotes her majority of time materializing the world via art, literature, business, media, and beyond.

Dr. Apples LLC

Dr. Apples is a lovable villain you will root for. This company is based around this character. We offer various services but the root revolves around the arts. The Dr. Apples’ franchise is new but explosive. Stay communicated with all of the new projects coming up shortly.


Email: Info@TheDrApples.com